Is PlanNet Marketing a Pyramid Scheme? No, But..

PlanNet Marketing

Welcome to my PlanNet Marketing review.

First, let me start by answering the question, is PlanNet Marketing a pyramid scheme? And the answer is no they aren’t. PlanNet Marketing is a multilevel marketing company that’s in the travel niche.

They are located in Atlanta, GA, and was founded by Don Bradley who has over 20 years of experience in sales, marketing, and product distribution. As well as achieving top positions in the MLM industry.

They’ve also partnered with InteleTravel. And with that they provide people the opportunity to start their own homebased travel agent business.

So, if you have a love for travel this may be the perfect homebased business for you. But before you get to excited let’s first take a closer look at this opportunity and make sure it is the right one for you.

Now, keep in mind I’m simply here to show you the pros and cons of PlanNet Marketing and give you my personal opinion regarding this business opportunity. What you decide to do after reading my review is up to you.

And with that said, let me first say, good on you for taking the time to do your own research before getting involved with any business opportunity. That alone tells me you’re serious about finding a legitimate way to make money online.

Disclaimer: I am not a member or an affiliate of PlanNet Marketing. All the information researched for this review is available online within the public domain. This review is my personal opinion and any recommendations/conclusions are my own which you may or may not agree with. What you decide to do after reading my review is up to you. You can see the full disclaimer here for more info.

Alright, let’s see what PlanNet Marketing is all about.

The Products

Ok, we know this is a homebased travel agency business. But PlanNet Marketing itself has no real products.

They are simply a funnel to InteleTravel. Where you as the travel agent have access to their portal and booking engine to help potential clients get access to the best rates at the top hotels, resorts, cruise lines and airlines.

And in doing so you as a PlanNet Marketing rep will earn commissions on those bookings.  You can also earn commissions selling InteleTravel Independent Agent businesses.

So, How Much Is It To Get Started With PlanNet Marketing?

To become a PlanNet Marketing Rep the cost is $19.95 and then it’s $19.95 per month thereafter. As a PlanNet Marketing rep you’ll get a personalized replicated PlanNet website and full access to the PlanNet Marketing mobile app.

You don’t have to purchase any product to be eligible to earn commissions. And there are no minimum sales quotas or targets to meet. Just pay your monthly fee and you can work as much or as little as you like.

Now you can become a InteleTravel Independent Agent if you like. However, you must first enroll as a PlanNet Rep. This will give you access to your virtual office where you can then proceed with the purchase of your ITA. The startup cost for this is $179.95. And then there is a monthly admin fee of $39.95.

As an independent travel agent, you will receive your own InteleTravel ITA personalized website, earn travel commissions as well as get guaranteed best prices & VIP travel benefits.

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How Do You Make Money With PlanNet Marketing?

Through the PlanNet marketing compensation plan you have several ways you can earn money. Now as it is with most MLM compensation plans they can get a little confusing and complicated.

So below is a quick and simplified overview of their compensation plan. You can read the complete compensation plan on their website by clicking here.

Now there are 2 ways you can earn money. First is through retail sales. And the other way is by recruiting affiliates into your team.

Retail Sales

Now, as a rep when it comes to retail sales. You will earn a $50.00 commission for every InteleTravel Independent Travel Agency (ITA) business you sell. And these commissions are paid weekly.

Direct Sales 50% Match

When someone you have enrolled as a rep makes a ITA sale. You’re paid a 50% Match ($25.00) on their ITA sales. These commissions are paid weekly.

Gold Builder Bonus

This is a unilevel compensation plan. Which means you’re at the top of your organization and you can place people infinitely wide below you on level 1 and infinitely deep.

unilevel comp plan

Now in order to be eligible for this bonus you need to have a least 9 active InteleTravel agents on your first level. And as a gold builder you will receive a $10 bonus for every ITA sale made in your downline, down to the next Gold Builder.

Monthly Matrix Payout

You can earn a monthly bonus of $4.00 from the monthly $39.95 payment made by Active ITAs in your matrix down 9 levels. You need a minimum of 2 active ITAs to qualify.

Plannet Monthly Matrix Payout

Director Bonuses

You can earn different director bonuses depending on your director level.

Plannet Director Bonuses

So, Can You Expect To Make Money With PlanNet Marketing?

As with any business opportunity there is the opportunity to make money. But according to their 2020 income disclosure statement the chances that you’ll make any significant income is pretty low.

97.68% of their of active independent representatives are travel reps. And on average these people worked 2 hours per week and earned $154.14 for the entire year.

And if you break that down to a monthly income. Active representatives earned $12.84 per month. Now there are Five and Six Star Directors who earn an average annual income between $400,000 and $850,000. But that only represents 0.01% of all active reps.

So, the reality is you’re going to be in the 97% of reps who earn $12.00 per month.

Plannet Income Disclosure Statement

Who Is PlanNet Marketing For?

This is an MLM business opportunity. So, this would suit someone who has excellent network marketing, recruiting and sales skills. If that’s not you this or any other MLM is not the business model you want to follow.

What I Like About PlanNet Marketing

#1) Low Startup

Becoming a PlanNet Marketing rep does not cost a lot of money. Only $19.95 to get going and to maintain your active statis you don’t have to meet any sales quotas. Simply pay the monthly 19.95 and you’re good to go.

And if you want you own ITA, the cost is only $179.95 and then $39.95 per month.

#2) Legit Opportunity

PlanNet Marketing is offering anyone who is interested in the travel industry a legit homebased business opportunity.

#3) Refund Policy

PlanNet Marketing has a 90 satisfaction guarantee on all initial fees. All other fees are refundable within 30 days.

#4) Income Disclosure Statement

PlanNet Marketing provides you with an income disclosure statement. Crucial information allowing you to make an informed decision based on facts.

What I Didn’t Like About PlanNet Marketing

#1) Very Low Income Potential

There own 2020 income disclosure statement says it all. 97% of people that are PlanNet Marketing reps make no real money. The average rep in 2020 earned a whopping $154.14 for the entire year!

This information alone tells you the real story regarding this opportunity.

Plannet Income Disclosure Statement

#2) Recruiting

This is an MLM business and with that comes recruiting if you want any opportunity to make real money. So, you need to have excellent sales skills to convince people to join your business.

And the recruiting never stops. And the reason why it never stops is you’ll find over 50% of the people you recruit will quit within the first year. And 95% of people quit within ten years.

And people quit because they end up losing money rather than making it. And if they do make any money is minuscule. And again, that’s proven by PlanNet Marketing income disclosure statement. No one is making money!


#3) Tough Sell

I just see this as a hard product to sell. Unless you know a lot of people that want to start their own homebased travel agency, I just don’t see this being an easy business to build and grow. And that brings me back to what reps are earning. Which is nothing.

My Final Opinion Of PlanNet Marketing

Now if you love travel and have the urge to start your homebased travel agency then this could be the business for you. But I just don’t see the potential with this business.

And it’s those dismal earnings shown in their income disclosure statement. Now of course I don’t know you and you may be the exception here and you can make this business work. And if you think you can, then go for it.

But for me, this is not a business I would recommend to anyone.

Especially when you have far better options available to you.

If you’re into travel you certainly don’t have to join an MLM company and spend all your time selling and trying to recruit people to build your business.

And you don’t have to be a travel agent to build a thriving homebased business in the travel niche. You could easily start your own travel blog.

And you can monetize your blog through affiliate marketing relationships with every type of service within the travel industry.

And if you’re not into travel that’s ok. You can build a thriving online affiliate marketing business around any interest, hobby, or passion you have.

And as an affiliate marketer:

  • You NEVER have to recruit people to build your business.
  • You don’t have to sell anything to anyone to make money.
  • No complicated compensation plans to follow in order to make money.
  • You’re in 100% ownership and control of your business. With an MLM you’re not.
  • You can get your entire business up and running for free!

If you want to learn more on how you can build your own thriving homebased online affiliate marketing business around any interest, hobby, or passion you have.

Then you should check out Wealthy Affiliate. They have all the information on how you’ll build your business as well as all resources, tools, training, and one-on-one support you’ll ever need to build your business.

Now of course I have clue if affiliate marketing is going to be the route you take to make money online. I just wanted to be sure that you’re aware of the other opportunities available to you for making money online from home besides MLM.

If you want see what wealthy affiliate has avialable. You can do that for free.

I hope you found this review helpful and I hope I answered any questions you may have had about PlanNet Marketing and its business opportunity.

Of course, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below and I’ll get back to you right away.

And if you did find this review helpful and enjoyed it please feel free to share it with your audience. And as always anytime you need a hand don’t hesitate Emailing Me anytime.

I believe in you!!

4 thoughts on “Is PlanNet Marketing a Pyramid Scheme? No, But..”

  1. Hi, I was asked to join the plan net network scheme, after reading this review, I want to say thank you. It’s a NO from me. They make it sound so interesting but it’s still like a pyramid, only disguise.. It’s based in America, why is no one from the UK?

    • Hey Jay, You’ll find every MLM/Network marketing company makes things sound fantastic and how easy it is to make money. But as many people soon discover after joining everything they were told was not as advertised.

      You dodged a bullet in my opinion. As for people in the UK, I have no idea, you would have to ask them.

      Take care and thanks your for your comment.


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