32 Working From Home Ideas

working from home ideas

More and more people are looking for ways to make extra money or even replace their current job with a full-time income working from home. So, I thought I would put together a list to give you some working from home ideas.

Some of these jobs pay by the hour; some pay per job, some are salaried. While other opportunites depend on the work you put into the gig. While still others are more of a long term homebased business strategy.

1) Affiliate Marketing

Every day more and more people are purchasing products and services online. And with that there is a wealth of opportunity online as an affiliate marketer.

In fact, this is how I’ve been making a full time online income since 2005.

Now the cool thing about being an affiliate marketer is you can build your affiliate marketing business around an interest, hobby or passion. And it makes no difference what your hobby or passion is. Any interest, hobby or passion can be turned into a full time online income.

Now this is definitely a more long term strategy for making money online. You’re looking at least 3 to 6 months before you start earning revenue. Can it happen faster? Of course, it can. But, I always tell people this is not a get rich quick thing. You are building a real busienss so give yourself 12 months to build and grow your business.

If you’re not sure what affiliate marketing is. Quite simply this is where you promote the products or services of companies related to your hobby or passion. And when someone buys what you recommend you earn a nice commission.

And there is no limit to the amount of money you can make as an affiliate marketer. If you want to learn more about affiliate marketing click here.

2) Virtual Call Center Agent

Virtual call center agents work from home using platforms such as Arise.com or find work through online freelance boards such as Upwork and Freelancer.com. And just like a traditional call center virtual call center agents handle inbound calls and outbound calls.

Many companies use call center agents for customer service and support. Telemarketing, third-party verification and technical support. And as a virtual call center agent you can expect to earn $10 per hour or more.

As a call center agent working out of your home each company has it’s requirements of the equipment you will need.

  • A home office that is free of noise and distractions
  • High speed internet and virus and malware protection
  • A landline phone for work purposes only (many companies use VIOP)
  • A corded telephone headset with a microphone
  • Skype for conferences
  • Instant message account
  • Printer
  • A work only email

STOP trading time for money. Here’s how you can create a passive online income

3) Online Chat Agent

Online chat agents or customer service professionals offering basic customer support, technical support, billing inquiries, processing returns and even selling products.

These can be full-time or part-time positions and most companies offer very flexible schedules including days, nights and weekends. And you may find companies that are offering call center agent jobs may also be offering online chat agent jobs.

So, if you wanted to you could combine both positions if the opportunity presents itself. You can find online chat agent jobs at companies such as….

4) Data Entry

Data entry requires very little training so it’s fairly easy to get started. It doesn’t require specific education or background so pretty much anyone who wants to work online can do data entry.

Pay for data entry jobs can be paid either by the project or per entry completed. Now the rates for data entry positions can be a little on the low side and that simply because you don’t need any specialized skills for data entry positions.

You do have to be careful when applying for data entry positions because unfortunately there ought a lot of data entry online scams. But here’s a list of companies that you can trust that do offer legitimate data entry positions.

5) Transcription

Transcription is where you turn audio into text. So, this could be from a video or an interview. The average salary for a person during transcription is about $15 per hour.

And if you’re doing transcription in a more specialized field you can earn up to $30 per hour. Some of the places that you can find transcription jobs are:

6) Translation Work

if you’re bilingual you can put that skill to use. There’s plenty of work to be discovered online no matter what language you speak. You’ll find the average salary for doing freelance translation work is about $19 per hour.

There are many, many companies that offer you the opportunity to do translation work, here’s just a few you can look at.

7) Content Writer

Content writing covers a variety of things. You could be writing articles for blogs posts, manuals, e-books, technical writing magazine writing and on and on.

The majority of content writers do get paid by the word and in some cases, you can get hired on as a full-time writer and then get paid a monthly salary. Some of the more popular places that content writers can find work are at freelancing boards:

8) Proofreading

If you have a strong command of the English language that includes proper grammar, spelling and up-to-date modern slang. Most proofreaders will specialize in a specific niche such as contracts, press releases, marketing materials, blog posts, transcripts, resumes and any other content.

As a proofreader you also need to be very detailed orientated and also have a knowledge of proofreading marks. And these proofreading marks or standard notations/symbols used when correcting documents.

As an entry level proofreader, you can expect to earn about $10 per hour. And of course, as the quality of your work improves, you’ll be able to ask for higher fees.

There are some proofreaders that are earning $65 per hour. So, if you have a love of language and reading proofreading might be a great gig for you.

Here’s some places that you can find proofreading jobs.

9) Create Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are becoming more and more popular every day. Explainer videos showcase a company’s product or service in a fun and visual stimulating way that translates well to the customer.

You will need video creation software such as Explaindio or you can use online software programs such as PowToon.

You can find work doing explainer videos at many of the freelance online job boards such as Freelancer and Upwork. You can even offer your video creation services at places like Fiverr.com.

10) Voiceover Actor

Despite what many people think you don’t need the perfect voice for voiceover work, because there is no perfect voice.

The income you make as a voiceover actor varies from person to person and year to year. But with the right training and tools over time you can make a very comfortable living as a voiceover actor.

You can promote your voiceover work at places like Freelancer.com and Fiverr. And you can also join online talent companies like Voice.com.

11) Homework Tutor

Unlike when I was going to school I either had to stay after school to get tutored or go over to my tutor’s house.

But times of change if you need to get tutored that can be done online. Generally, tutors don’t need teaching qualifications to land a job but of course the rates for tutoring would go up if you do have teaching qualifications.

To become an online tutor, you can go to a site such as indeed.com and sign up find all types of tutoring jobs paying $30 to $40 per hour.

STOP trading time for money. Here’s how you can create a passive online income

12) Logo Designer

Logos are one of the most important thing when it comes to branding your company. And those logos are needed everywhere. There needed on websites, business cards, letterhead, blogs and apps.

Now when it comes to earning money as a logo designer that depends largely on your skill level and how well you market yourself. For example, on fiverr logo designers can earn anywhere from $5 per design to over $1000 per design.

A few places you can sell your services on are:

13) Create Whiteboard Videos

Just like explainer videos whiteboard videos are in high demand. These are the videos that show a hand drawing an image. Whiteboard videos can be explainer videos but many companies like using whiteboard videos for teaching and educational purposes.

And because these videos are in such high demand the income potential is only limited to how hard you’re willing to work and market yourself as a whiteboard video creator. You will need software such as Video Scribe to create these videos.  Places like Fivver and Upwork are great resources for offering and finding whiteboard video creation work.

14) Social Media Manager

if you know all the ins and outs of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You can put that skill set to work and earn a great living being a social media manager.

There are many companies looking for people to increase their social presence online and increase their audience reach. And as a social media manager that’s where your skills come into play.

The average salary for a social media manager in the United States is around $43,000 per year. With some social media managers earning well over $100,000 per year.

15) PPC Consultant

Many online businesses rely on paid ads to drive traffic to their website. But having a successful ad campaign goes far beyond simply placing an ad online.

There is the ad creation, testing, understanding conversion rates, having the ad on the right network (Google, Bing, or other sources), knowing your audience demographic and so much more.
PPC consultants are in high demand because of the skill level required to be successful with paid advertising.

For each gig that you get and set up you can easily charge between $1000 and $5000 for the setup of the campaign and then a monthly recurring fee to maintain the campaign. And that recurring monthly fee can start from $300 and up.

16) Social Media Influencer

Marketing agents of all kinds are always on the lookout for people that have a huge following within social media.

And if you happen to have as huge following on social media you can then “influence” your audience by promoting products and services, thus turning your Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter account into a moneymaking opportunity.

Typically, most social media influencers are paid per campaign per post. And the amount your paid is determined by the number of followers you have.

17) Buying And Selling

The simple act of buying something at a low price and selling it for a profit is probably one of the quickest and easiest ways of making money.

And there’s many ways you can go about buying and selling. You can create your own website dedicated to buying and selling items. Use eBay as your platform to sell items. You could sell your items on Craigslist or Kijiji.

And as a buyer seller you can be product specific focused or you can have a broad range of products that you buy and sell. Not only can you find items online to buy and then sell. Depending on what items you plan on buying and selling, you can find items at liquidation discount stores and even flea markets and garage sales.

18) Web Designer

Even with all the tools available to people for building and designing a website, not everyone has the time or the design aptitude to design a website.

If you have that design flare and the skill to design a website that is well laid out and caters to an efficient user experience. Then there is a huge opportunity for you as a web designer.

A great web designer can easily earn over $70,000 per year. You can find opportunities to offer or even sell your skills at the popular freelance boards such as Freelancer.com and Upwork.com.
You can even start your career off at places like Fiverr.com and build your business up from there.

19) SEO Specialist

This is definitely a specialized skill which deals with optimizing webpages for Google and other search engines. But Google is the primary one. There is no degree or certification other than extensive experience and a proven track record.

However, if you do have the skill set for increasing webpage rankings your services are in high demand. As an SEO specialist you can expect to earn anywhere for $30 to $250 per hour.

And you may find clients that would prefer to pay you on a contract basis. At which point you can negotiate your fee.

20) Dog Walker

Do you love dogs? Then you can make create a nice business for yourself. Many dog owner have busy schedules and as much as they would love to get out every day walking their dog, sometimes that just does not happen. So hiring a dog walker is a great solution for them.

In general dog walkers charge per walk not per day. Of course, depending where you live will determine your fee.

If you live in a city where there is a high demand for dog walkers most experts agree your fee would be about $15 to $20 per 20-minute walk and $20 to $30 per 30-minute walk.

And if you’re doing 2 walks per day you could charge between $30 and $45. And if someone has more than 1 dog. The second dog typically adds $5 to $10 to the walk.

21) In Home Dog Sitting

Some people have jobs that take them away from their 4 legged friends and other people are just heading off for holidays and rover can’t come with. So instead of sending their beloved dog to a kennel they prefer to have a dog sitter.

Depending on your location the average a pet sitter can charge $20 per 30-minute visit, $25 to $35 per day, $45 to $75 per over night stay, or $250 to $375 per week.

22) Baby Sitter

This is the perfect job for a stay-at-home mom or dad. Or anyone who loves kids. If you’re already at home during the day and if you’re already taking care of your own child you can easily do some additional in home child care (baby siting) for some one else’s child.

The average hourly rate for babysitting for 1 child is $16.75. And if you have someone that has 2 children you can charge $19.50 for the 2.

You can easily get the word out by telling your friends. Posting flyers up around your neighborhood or even post your services online.

STOP trading time for money. Here’s how you can create a passive online income

23) Virtual Travel Agent

Do you like to travel? Then one way you can feed your travel bug is by becoming a remote travel agent. As a remote travel agent, you would be setting up itineraries, flight plans, hotels and activities for your clients.

And the best part is you can also take advantage of your discounts. Nice little perk wouldn’t you say?

And according to Indeed a remote travel agent can earn between $12.50 and $50 per hour. You can find job listings for a remote travel agent on Indeed as well as Zip Recruiter and Glassdoor.

24) Airbnb Host

Have an extra room in your house? Do you like meeting new people form all over the world? Do you know all the hotspots and cool things to do where you live? Then you may want to consider being a Airbnd host.

Depending where you live you can charge a per day rate for 1 bedroom between $65 and $110 per day. And of course, if someone wants to stay more than a week or even a month you can give them a discount for a long term stay.

You can list your home on short term rental sites such as Airbnb, or HomeAway. Just be sure before you decide to do this, that your community allows for short-term rentals.

25) Paid Survey Taker

Got an opinion? Then why not make some money sharing it? Now you’re definitely not going to get rich taking surveys online but you can make some extra cash.

As a paid survey taker, you’ll be paid $1 to $50 per survey, depending on how much time is required to take the survey.

You can sign up to as many sites as you like. Some of the more popular survey sites are SwagBucks and Survey Junkie. You can be paid in cold hard cash paid to your PayPal account and you can also be paid in gift cards.

Just a note: There are plenty of scam survey sites online so if anyone of them ask for a membership fee, your social security number or any other personal information like your banking information. Or if they are vague about how you’re going to be paid. Leave the site. It’s not a legit survey site.

27) Vlogger

You’ve seen videos on YouTube about everything from makeup tips to how to make slim to DIY videos. And did you know many of this Vloggers are making huge money? And I’m talking 6-figuers and more per year.

Everyone knows how to do something. And that knowledge can make you a good deal of money.

And it doesn’t take any fancy camera equipment to become a vlogger. You have a smart phone, right? Well there’s your camera. And then you can use free or inexpensive desktop software to edit your video.

And the way you make money is through affiliate relationships with company products and or services related to your YouTube channel.

So, for example let’s say you’re doing a vlog about remote control cars. You would have affiliate links below your video to places like Amazon where people can buy the remote control car. When they buy you earn a commission.

You can also sign up for YouTubes partnership program once you qualify and monetize your channel though ads. And you can even get sponsors once your channel get more and more popular.

To get this started you will need to create a YouTube channel. Once you’ve created your channel this is where you’re going to upload your videos.

You can also use YouTube to find everything thing you need to know about creating a great channel as well as everything about creating engaging videos. The best videos are the simplest ones where you are just being who you are.

28) Corporate English Trainer

Did you know there are students in countries such as Japan, Korea, France and Germany looking for people that they can practice English with?

Now the students you’d be working with are students that work in a corporate environment. So your sessions would focus on things like corporate small talk up to an including running a meeting.

You’re training sessions can happen over the phone, Skype or live internet video chat. Now if you’re in the US your clients will be on the other side of the world so you will be working at night.

Most companies will ask you to commit to at least 20 hours per week on a pre-determined schedule. And you can work up to 35 hours per week if you like. As a corporate English trainer, you can expect to earn between $15 to $20 per hour. You will need your own computer with a high speed internet connection.

You will be trained on the specifics of each job and you will also be trained as well on how to do your job. You can find opportunities for this type of gig at  GoFluent.com or iSpeakUSpeak which is a training and placement comapny.

29) Search Engine Evaluator

This is a cool gig. Companies like Google and Yahoo are always making sure that when people do a search in their search engines the result match what the person was looking for.

So, Google or Yahoo will give you things to search for and then you tell them how closely things matched the given search you were asked to check out.

So, if you did a search about Adele did you get information about her and her music. Or did you get a listing of baseball stats.

Now you can expect to earn on average $13 per hour for a gig like this. Companies looking for search engine evaluators hire through 3rd party companies such as  Appen.

30) Copywriter

Do you have a way with words? Can you create copy that convinces people to buy? Then your skill set is in high demand. Copywriters write for TV ads, radio, magazines, websites, pay per click campaigns, email, etc. When something needs to be sold a copywriter is hard at work creating compelling copy.

You can promote your skills through websites such as Upwork, Fiverr, Flexjobs and Freelancer. You can also create a website and sell your services there.

31) Writing Reviews

Everyone wants to know what everyone else thinks of a product or service before they buy it. But not many people want to take the time to write a review of the thing they just bought.

But did you know there are site you can sign up with that will pay you to write a review? And this ranges from leaving reviews on other sites to taking surveys of a company’s brand and their products.

Now you’ll definitely not get rich. But this is by far one of the easiest ways of making some quick cash. Just be sure you do your research before jumping in to make sure it’s going to be worth your time. You can start with sites like Modern Mom

32)Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is a remote administrative assistant that works from their home. And a VA task’s can range from setting appointments, manage emails, making travel arrangements perform social task and so on.

As a virtual assistant your salary is gonna depend on your skill level. But you’ll find in most cases a virtual assistant can earn between $5 and $15 an hour.

And those with specialized skills can earn much more. You can find VR jobs through many on teh online freelance job boards such as Freelancer.com and Upwork.com.


I hope you found this list of working from home ideas helpful and hopefully you found one that’s inspired you to begin the journey to financial freedom and being your own boss and leaving behind the traditional 9 to 5 job.

I believe in you!!

STOP trading time for money. Here’s how you can create a passive online income

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