Is My Daily Choice A Scam? Nope, But…

my daily choice

Welcome to my My Daily Choice review.

Every day people are looking for additional sources of income. And chances are you’re one of them. And in your search for additional income either you’ve come across My Daily Choice yourself or someone has introduced you to my daily choice and their business opportunity.

And if you’re here that means you want to know if this is a legit business opportunity or is My Daily Choice a scam?

Well, in this review I’m going to show you everything you need to know about my daily choice, its products, and the opportunity. So that you can make an informed decision as to whether or not this business opportunity is right for you.

Now, before we get started you need to know I’m simply here to show you the pros and cons of my daily choice and give you my personal opinion about their business opportunity. What you decide to do after reading my review is up to you.

And with that said, let me first say, good on you for taking the time to do your own research before getting involved with any business opportunity. That alone tells me your serious about finding a legitimate way to make money online.

Disclaimer: I am not a member or an affiliate of My Daily Choice. All the information researched for this review is available online within the public domain. This review is my personal opinion and any recommendations/conclusions are my own which you may or may not agree with. What you decide to do after reading my review is up to you. You can see the full disclaimer here for more info.

Alright, let’s see what My Daily Choice is all about.

So, What Is My Daily Choice?

My Daily Choice is a multilevel marketing company that sells health and wellness products plus a few other products outside of health and wellness. The company was founded by Josh & Jenna Zwagil in 2014.

Both of whom have very successful network marketing backgrounds. And their mission with their company and products is to offer people outstanding choices for wellness and business.

My Daily Choice Products


My daily choice has several different products that you’ll find under the following categories:

HempWorx – This is their line of broad-spectrum CBD Tinctures which supports health, wellness, and a healthy immune system. It also promotes healthy mood and brain function.

They’re available in watermelon mint, cinnamon, peppermint, natural, strawberry guava lemon lime, and orange sunshine favors. They retail for $89 for a one time purchase and $69 at the member price.

Daily Sprays – These are 11 different go to vitamin sprays that you can use throughout the day. They cost $28.99 each for a one time purchase. And the member price is $21.99.

Mantra Essential Oils – This is their line of essential oils. And currently they have 7 different oils to choose from. And they range in price between $29 and $10 per essential oil. Also, each oil does have its own member price as well.

Now they have a couple other products/services that are available through their website that have nothing to do with health and wellness products.

High Life Travel – This is their travel membership where you can get deals on everything from hotels, car rentals, flights, etc. They also have a referral program where you can share your discounts with friends and family and earn rewards.

high life travel

Akashx – This is an educational platform providing you the tools and training so you can trade in Forex and Cryptocurrency. It will cost you $299 to get started and then $149 every month thereafter.

So, How Much Is It To Get Started With My Daily Choice?

To get started as an affiliate it’s going to begin with a $20 affiliate fee. And then you have to purchase one of their product packages that range from $39.00 – $599.00.

And as an affiliate you have access to their marketing tools which include:

  • Tracking back office
  • Content management system
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Lead funnel and capture pages
  • Marketing websites
  • Video presentations
  • Marketing materials

You also have free access to their Genius App which you can use for prospecting by sharing videos, documents, images and more.

My Daily Choice Compensation Plan

With any multilevel marketing company you’ll find that most compensation plans can be confusing and complicated. And my daily choices compensation plan is no different.

So, I’m just going to give you the simplified version of how you can earn through their compensation plan. But if you’re seriously considering joining my daily choice.

I highly recommend that you read this compensation plan yourself so you know exactly what you have to do in order to earn money through their plan. They do have a link on their website but here’s a direct link to their compensation plan.

Now, with my daily chocie there are certain rank requirements that you have to meet in order to be eligible for the bonuses at those ranks. Plus, to be considered “active” as an affiliate you must either sell or purchase 40 Business Volume (BV) each month.

Here’s how you can earn through their plan.

Retail Customer Commissions

This is pretty straightforward you’re buying products at the member price and then you can retail these products to your friends, family and others. And when you do you’ll earn a 50% commission on each customer sale.

And all Business Volume (BV) that’s generated from your retail customer sales also counts towards your Affiliates Personal Volume (PV). And these retail customer commissions are paid out weekly.

Jumpstart Bonus

The jumpstart bonus is paid on any affiliate or preferred customer orders that are placed within the 1st calendar month when they join. This jumpstart bonus is paid weekly.

Jump start bonus

Binary Commissions

Binary commissions are based off of the Business Volume (BV) generated from Affiliate and Preferred Customer sales. With a binary compensation plan you have a strong leg volume and lesser leg volume. And with this bonus you can earn 20% of your lesser leg volume. This bonus is paid out monthly.

binary commissions

Leadership Check Matching

As an affiliate you can earn up to 10 levels of check matching. This bonus is paid out monthly.

check matching

Global Bonus Pool

With this bonus as an affiliate, you have the opportunity to earn profits. This bonus is paid out monthly.

global bonus pool

Rank Bonuses

You can earn this bonus once you achieve a certain rank within their compensation plan. These bonuses are one time payouts only.

rank bonuses

Monthly Rank Bonuses

By maintaining your rank each month, you are eligible for a bonus. This bonus is paid out monthly.

monthly rank bonuses

Here’s a list of the ranks and the requirements needed to achieve each rank.

affiliate ranks

So, Can You Expect To Make Money With My Daily Choice?

As with any multilevel marketing company business opportunity you do have the opportunity to make money. My daily choice has real products and their compensation plan is fair and its ethical.

But does that mean you’re going to make money? Well, when it comes to multilevel marketing compensation plans they are definitely leaning in favor the company not affiliate.

Studies to show that 99% of people that get involved with a multilevel marketing business end up losing money. In fact, many people end up in more debt then they were before joning and MLM company.

Now one thing I have to commend my daily choice for is providing an income disclosure statement. Not all MLM companies are willing to do this.

And the great thing about an income disclosure statement is that it shows you the statistical data of the average yearly earnings of their affiliates.

And as much as I would love to tell you that this income disclosure statement is going to paint a wonderful picture of the opportunity before you. Unfortunately, it doesn’t.

It just further proves that most people will not make any significant money when getting involved with an MLM.

So below is a snapshot of their income disclosure statement. To read their full income disclosure statement click here.

income disclosure statement

What I want to point out is a few statistics in this disclosure statement. You’ll see less than 1% of their affiliates are earning what could be considered a full-time income.

And 97% of their affiliates who are executives and below in rank are earning less than $1309.56 per year. That’s $109.13 per month. Also, these numbers do not reflect the money affiliates are spending each money to keep their business active.

It’s also stated in their income disclosure statement that during the reporting period the median annual income for all affiliates in the reporting period was $0 USD.

Another statistic that’s mentioned in their income disclosure statement states that 74.2% do not continue with My Daily Choice after their first year.

Now setting your emotions aside when it comes to a business opportunity you have to look at the numbers. And these numbers are telling you that this is a terrible business opportunity for most people.

My Final Opinion Of My Daily Choice

There’s no denying that my daily choice as a legitimate business opportunity and they seem to have good products. But as I’ve just shown you through their income disclosure statement the numbers don’t lie.

The percentage of people that are actually making what I would call a full-time income is less than 1%. Not to mention that over 74% of people that get involved with my daily choice don’t continue with the business.

Now of course I don’t know you personally and maybe you’re in that 1% and you have the skill set that’s required to build a business within the multilevel marketing business model.

And if that’s the case and you’re into these kinds of products then maybe my daily choice is the business for you.

But Here’s The Thing,

There are far better ways for making money from home. And one of those methods is affiliate marketing. But NOT the way my daily choice is doing affiliate marketing.

Here let me explain.

With an MLM company instead of just being able to sign up as an affiliate for free promote products and earn a commission.

With the multilevel marketing company, you have to spend money to join the company and actually meet a monthly quota in order to be eligible for commissions.

A regular affiliate marketing program doesn’t work that way.

With a regular affiliate marketing program, you can sign up to be an affiliate for free with any company that offers an affiliate program.

You don’t have to purchase any products to be involved with the affiliate program. Nor do you have to meet in my opinion idiotic monthly sales quotas so you can be eligible for your commissions.

Also, as a true affiliate marketer you don’t have to sell anything to anyone. Nor do you have to recruit anybody in order to build your business.

As a true affiliate markter, you’re 100% in control and ownership of your business. Not like being with an MLM who owns and controls 100% of your business.

The other thing that I love about affiliate marketing is that you can build your business around your hobby or your passion.

Even if that passion is health and wellness you can build a thriving affiliate marketing business around that without having to join a multilevel marketing company.

The bottom line is traditional affiliate marketing is a far superior business model to follow than multilevel marketing.

Now, if you would like to learn how to do affiliate marketing and build a business around your hobby or passion. Then my best recommendation we can learn how to build a thriving affiliate marketing business is Wealthy Affiliate.

Since 2005 they been providing people with all the tools, resources, training, and personal one-on-one support to anybody wanting to create a full-time income around their hobby or passion.

And the great thing is, you can see everything that wealthy affiliate has to offer you absolutely free.

Now will traditional affiliate marketing be your path for making money online? Honestly, I have no idea. But what I do know is that if you’re still on the fence about multilevel marketing and affiliate marketing.

By seeing what wealthy affiliate has to offer. You’ll be able to compare both and then you can choose the path you feel best suits you. And that’s what it really comes down to. Finding what works best for you.

I hope you found this review helpful and I hope I answered any questions you may have had about My Daily Choice and its business opportunity.

Of course, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below and I’ll get back to you right away.

And if you did find this review helpful and enjoyed it please feel free to share it with your audience. And as always anytime you need a hand don’t hesitate Emailing Me anytime.

I believe in you!!

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