Why Start Working From Home – Here’s 11 Reasons

Why Start Working From Home

Why start working from home? I think a better question to ask would be why not start working from home?

Now, when I’m talking about working from home. I’m not talking about working for your employer as a flex worker.

I’m talking about building your own thriving online business and becoming totally financially self-sufficient.

Now I will admit working from home is not for everybody, but with the immense opportunities that are available online, it’s something that you should seriously consider.

So, here’s 11 reasons (I’m sure there’s more) why you should work from home.

Oh, before we get to those 11 reason. If you’re not sure how you can start working from home. Not to worry. I got you covered.

At the end of this post I’ll share with you the same business model that I’ve been using to make a full time online income from home since 2005.

But no jumping ahead to the end okay?

Alright, let’s get to it.

1) You’re The Boss

If you like a lot of people, you’re tired of working for somebody that drives you crazy or worse yet doesn’t even respect or value you. I’ve lost count of how many people I talk to on a daily basis that are totally frustrated and stressed out because of their boss.

And because of that, their job becomes a love-hate relationship. They love their job, but they can’t stand their boss, so now they’re not liking their job simply because of their boss.

And now going to work each day is not fun anymore. Life is more than just collecting a paycheck. You’re at work at least 8 hours every day. Why be miserable?

However, by working for yourself you can create a homebased business that you enjoy doing every day. Plus, the stress of not having to deal with a crappy boss day in and day out is a definitely a bonus.

2) No More Commute

I want you to do some math. How much time do you spend going to and from work each day? Now multiply that by five. If you’re like a lot of people I know, most people spend about 2 hours every day going to and from work.

That’s 10 hours a week, that’s 40 hours a month. For a total of 480 hours per year just going to and from your job.

You want to know how long my commute is to my office? About 30 seconds. I have my office upstairs in my house all I have to do is climb the stairs and I’m at work.

By working for yourself at home just imagine what you can do with an extra 480 hours per year.

You could hang out with your friends, you could spend more time with your family, you can even devote time to learning a new skill. Personally, I think that’s a lot better than spending time going to and from work.

3) Earn What You’re Worth

There’s not one person that I know working for somebody else that feels they are being paid what they’re worth.

By working for someone else they are dictating how much you make, no matter how hard you work. And for many people there is a ceiling on how much you can earn, and in many cases that ceilings not very high.

By working for yourself you determine how much you make and how much you’re worth. And one of the greatest advantages of working for yourself there is no ceiling.

Take me for example, when I first decided that I wanted to work for myself, and that was way back in 2003. I was earning a good living, but I knew I wasn’t getting paid what I was worth and the only way that was going to happen is if I worked for myself.

So, I got to work working for myself and within 18 months I was earning 3 times as much per month as I was at my current job at that time. And at that time, I quit my job and I’ve been working full time online since 2005 and my income has grown every year.

And that would never have happened if I continued working for somebody else.

4) Set Your Own Schedule

By working at home, you set the schedule, you’re not committed to that 9 to 5 anymore. If you’re not a morning person you can start working in the afternoon.

Maybe you prefer to work in the evening. Maybe you’ve got some errands to run so you do those first and then you can go to work.

My point is you don’t have to answer to anybody. You can work around the schedule that works best for you. Take this post for example, at the time of finishing this post it’s mid morning. I do have a few other on-site tasks to do, and then I’m done for the day.

I also have a few other small things that I want to take care regarding my business, but I’m not going to do them during the day. They can wait.

Instead I’m going to enjoy the weather for today and then I’ll get back to work this evening and finish those few other small tasks.

Now if I had a boss to answer to, there’s no way I could be able to do that.

5) Balance

How is the balance of your job and your home life by working for somebody else? If you like a lot of people, your life, work balance is out of wack.

The number 1 reason people find working from home so ideal, is that they can have a perfect balance between their home life and work. When you work for somebody else you have to work your home life around your 9 to 5 job.

And because of that a lot of people feel rushed, and they feel like they can’t catch up with everything they need to do when it comes to their home life.

But by working for yourself and working from home you have the flexibility to balance your home life and your work life. And when you can do that the stress of your job and the stress of your home life drops big-time.

6) You’re Directly Rewarded By Your Own Efforts

When you work for somebody else you’re helping them build and grow their business.

So, you might be making a good living, but the truth of the matter is someone else owns the business and that means they collect all the profits not you. So, no matter how hard you work you’ll never be fully rewarded for your efforts.

However, when you own your own business, all your sweat and hard work goes directly into your business, and you reap the rewards of all that hard work.

In other words, you get all the profits.

7) Work Anywhere

By having an online business, you’re not chained your house. As long as you have a laptop and an Internet connection you can work from anywhere in the world.

You always hear about those people that say they work on the beach every day. Well it is absolutely possible with an online business. I’ve personally never done it because when I’m on vacation, I’m on vacation.

8) Higher Productivity

In a white paper done by Microsoft, called work without walls – 45% of the people surveyed said working from home increase their productivity.

And I can attest to that fact. When I worked for my employer what should have taken me only a few hours to get done, usually took me twice as long to accomplish because of the constant distractions of being at work.

But by working from home I’m absolutely focused on the tasks that I need to get done. At my old job I was in video production, so what took me a few hours to get done when I was working for somebody else I now get done in a half an hour.

9) Less Distractions

When I was working for somebody else I was being distracted all the time not to mention all the noise going on in the workplace.

I was distracted by other employees, constant calls, people knocking on my office door, emails, it went on and on.

But now that I work at home, I simply turn everything off, my phone goes on vibrate, no emails, no social media. I just put my head down and get to work and I get a lot more done because of ZERO distractions.

I control the environment; the environment doesn’t control me.

10) You Save Money

By working at home, you do save a lot of money. First, you’re saving on gas, you’re not doing that commute to your job every day, which also saves on the wear and tear of your car.

I know a lot of people that work from home are saving huge because they don’t have to spend money on daycare anymore.

Clothes, like a lot of jobs there is a certain dress code that you have to adhere to. But by working for yourself from home there is no dress code. Personally, I work in shorts and a T-shirt.

11) You Can’t Lose Your Job

By working for yourself you have absolute job security. The scary truth is by working for somebody else your job is not secure. Huge companies that you thought would never ever close have closed and have put thousands and thousands of people out of work.

And many of these people have lost their pensions because of that. By working for yourself you can secure your financial future because no one else can take it away from you.

There You Go

Now I mentioned at the start of this post I would share with you the business model that I’ve been using to make a full-time online income.

And that business model is:

Affiliate Marketing

Now if you’re not sure how affiliate marketing works. It quite simple. As an affiliate marketer you earn commissions for marketing another company’s products or service.

And with affiliate marketing:

  • It costs absolutely nothing to become an affiliate
  • You don’t have to have your own product or service
  • You don’t have to deal with any customers
  • You don’t need to carry any inventory or ship anything
  • You don’t need a payment processor
  • You can build your business from anywhere in the world
  • There is no limit (ceiling) on what you can earn
  • And because your business is online you can make money 24/7

But what I truly love about affiliate marketing is:

You can build a thriving affiliate marketing business around your hobby or passion.

And it make no difference what hobby or passion you have. You can turn it into a very successful online income.

Now please understand you’re not becoming a salesperson. I’ve been an affiliate marketer since 2005 and I have never sold anything to anyone.

So, you may be asking, how are you going to make money?

The same way I do. You’re simply sharing your hobby or passion with people and at the same time recommending products or services related to your hobby or passion.

It’s like when you recommend a great restaurant to your friends. You’re not selling them; you’re sharing with them. The only difference is with affiliate marketing is if your friends went to that restaurant as the affiliate you would earn a commission.

Now if affiliate marketing sounds like something you want to learn more about. The best resource for that is Wealthy Affiliate.

Since 2005 they have been providing people with all the tools, training, resources, and personal one-on-one support so anyone can build a thriving online affiliate marketing business around their hobby or passion.

In fact, it’s wealthy affiliate that has helped my grow my affiliate marketing business into a multiple 6-figure a year income.

And the great thing is you can see everything that wealthy affiliate has to offer absolutely free.

Psst, that’s affiliate marketing. I simply recommended Wealthy Affiliate to you. Did I try and sell you? Nope.

I hope you found this post helpful. If so, feel free to share it with your audience, and if you have any questions or comments please leave them below.

And as always anytime you need a hand you can email me anytime

I believe in you!!

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