What Is Pomifera? It’s The New MLM On The Block. But Is Is Better?


Now you may be wondering what is Pomifera. Is it a scam? Is it a pyramid scheme? Or is it truly a great home-based business opportunity?

Well, I’m glad you’re here today because together we’re going to dig into Pomifera and find out what it’s all about and see if this is a good home based business opportunity for you.

By the time you’re done here you’ll be able make a more informed decision as to whether or not this is a home-based business opportunity you want to get involved with. Or one to walk away from.

Alright, let’s see what Pomifera is all about.

Disclaimer: I am not a member or an affiliate of Pomifera. All the information researched for this review is available online within the public domain. This review is my personal opinion and any recommendations/conclusions are my own which you may or may not agree with. What you decide to do after reading my review is up to you. You can see the full disclaimer here for more info.

So, What/Who Is Pomifera?

Pomifera is the new kid on the block when it comes to multi-level marketing companies. The company was started in February 2020 and is headquartered in Mount Pleasant IA . Their product line focuses on skincare products.

It was founded by Todd Johnson (Chief Scientific Officer) and Lindsay Colombe (Chief Visionary Officer). Todd is a PhD chemist and the guy behind the creation of these products. And Lindsay is behind the branding, field development, training, compensation plan and product quality for Pomifera.

Before starting Pomifera with Todd Lindsay was a top leader of Younique and Alcone.

The Products

So, what’s so unique about these products? Well, according to their about page Todd discovered Pomifera oil. And this oil is extracted from the Osage orange.

Osage orange

In fact, it’s really not an orange at all. It’s a member of the Mulberry family and is very bumpy in texture. And due to its latex secretions and woody pulp this fruit isn’t typically eaten by people and is rarely eaten by animals.

And it’s the Pomifera oil that’s contained within these Osage oranges that Todd uses as the main ingredient for their skincare products.

So, let’s take a look at their products and see what they have to offer.

The product line is broken up into 3 different categories.


Currently in the hair collection, there are only a couple of products. Their brow and lash serum sells for $26 for 5 ML. And their hair oil sells for $25 for 2 ounces.


In the body collection, you’ll find things like bath bombs, body lotion, body mist, and body quench. As well as a few collections that combine some of the products together.

Here’s the pricing of some of those products:

  • Hydrating body lotion 8 ounces – $24.00
  • Healing body oil 4 ounces – $35.00
  • Bath bomb (one) – $9.00
  • Body deluxe collection – $79.00
  • Body deluxe collection with bath bomb – $83.00


In the face collection, you’ll find things like facial cleanser, rejuvenating youth serum, facial exfoliants as well as collections.

Here’s the pricing of some of those products:

  • Balancing facial cleaner (4oz) – $25.00
  • Facial exfoliants (4oz) – $38.00
  • Rejuvenating youth serum (1oz) – $28.00
  • And the collections range from $68.50 to $178.60

So, What Are People Saying About Pomifera?

Now when I do research about companies, I usually head to the Better Business Bureau website as well as Trustpilot to see the reviews from people that are actually using the products.

But since this review of this company is only 7 months out from when this company started there is no information about the company or its products on the Better Business Bureau website or the Trustpilot website.

And then when I went to go do a search in Google about what people think of these products. The only people that I could find talking about these products were people that were distributors for Pomifera.

So that doesn’t really give you a true representation of the products because the people that are talking about these products and trying to sell the products.

What you want to look for is people not associated with the company using the products and giving their honest review of the products, both positive and negative.

So, if you really want to know how these products work, you’re going to have to try them for yourself.

And that’s easy to do because you can purchase these products right from their website without having to go through a distributor.

So, if you’re seriously considering getting involved with this company. You can consider buying products as your research phase when it comes to deciding whether or not you want to get into this business are not.

Because quite honestly if you’re going to represent a product it only makes sense you want to represent a product that you believe in and know it does what it claims it can do.

And as an independent distributor that’s going to give you much more credibility if you do decide to get involved with this business.

So, How Much Is It To Get Started With Pomifera?

At the time that I’m doing this article there is only one starter kit to enroll as a Brand Partner. And that kit will cost you $99.00.

Not only do you get products with your starter kit. You also get a replicated website.

starter kit

Now there’s something I want you to take note of in the image above. I’ve put a red box around what I want you to take a look at.

You notice it says; “select the rank and product you wish to enroll with”. That sounds like they’re eventually going to have more options (kits) that you can choose from.

But here’s the interesting thing. It’s those words “select the rank” that got my attention. The reason why that got my attention is it makes me wonder if at some point you’ll be able to buy into this business at a higher rank by spending more money.

There is a company called Valentus where you can buy bigger packages that give you a higher rank in the company.

Pomifera does not offer that, but I wonder if in the future they will.

Something else you should be aware of. If Pomifera does offer higher ranks (for a price) within this company in the future.

Just remember to maintain that rank and qualify for commissions at that rank level. You’re going to have to meet the monthly qualifications for that rank level. And if you’re new to MLM that may not be easy to do.

The Pomifera Compensation Plan

When it comes to their compensation plan you won’t find a link to it on their website.

This is kind of a letdown because if you’re looking to get involved with this company, you’re going to want to know what you have to do in order to make money.

Now as I said I didn’t find a link to the compensation plan on their website. But I did find a video that was done by Lindsay that does explain the compensation plan.

So instead of me explaining things I’m going to let Lindsay do that. Simply click the image below and you be taken to YouTube where you can listen to Lindsay explain their compensation plan.

After watching the video, yes, I did watch the video. Despite all the terms and rankings that are outlined in this compensation plan.

Like every MLM compensation plan there’s only 2 ways you’re going have an opportunity to make money.

The first way is through retail sales. You simply sell the products to customers.

And the second way is by recruiting people into your business (downline). And it’s the second way that’s going to give you the opportunity to earn the big money that every MLM company talks about.

So, Can You Expect To Make Money With Pomifera?

As with any home based multi-level marketing business opportunity, yes, there is the opportunity to make money.

But will you make money?

Now since they don’t have an income disclosure statement available at this time which is understandable because at the time of my review this company is only 7 months old.

You don’t have that statistical data to look at to see what the percentages are when it comes to independent distributors making money through their compensation plan.

So, we don’t have that data.

But the reality is when it comes to multi-level marketing, we don’t need that data from Pomifera.

And why don’t we need that historical data?

Well studies and history has shown us that 99% of people to get involved with any MLM company lose money.

And even though Pomifera is new opportunity. I think there’s a very low chance the majority of people that get involved with this company are going to make any significant income.

Now I hope I’m wrong, but from what history shows us it’s not likely.

What I Like About Pomifera

#1) It’s A New MLM Company

For those of you that are interested in multi-level marketing as a business model. Since Pomifera is a new company you can get in on the “ground floor” of this business opportunity.

And the advantage to that is that there are not as many consultants out there to compete with to get people to buy your products and or get involved with the business itself, as there would be with a more established MLM company.

#2) Low Start-Up

Compared to a lot of MLM companies out there $99.00 for your starter kit is relatively inexpensive.

What I Didn’t Like About Pomifera

#1) Recruitment

Even though retail sales are a primary element of the compensation plan. If you really want to have the opportunity to earn those larger incomes, you’re going to have to start recruiting people into your business.

And not everybody is cut out to be constantly recruiting people. And if you’re not willing to become spectacular at recruiting people then multi-level marketing is not for you.

#2) Saturated Market

Pomifera is nothing special. It’s 1 of 100 or more MLM companies that are selling skincare products. Like MLM heavyweights Avon and MayKay just to name a few.

And besides MLM companies in the same market. Go to your local drugstore and walk down the aisle and see how many different skincare products there are. You have hundreds to choose from.

#3) It’s A New Company

Yes, I said one of the positives was because it’s a new company you can get in on the ground floor.

But when it comes to the MLM business model a lot of these MLM companies fail within the first 5 years.

And companies fail because of things like not having enough distributors, the company didn’t start with enough capital, product pricing and even flaws with the compensation plan. Plus many other factors can be the downfall of any MLM company.

Now will Pomifera fail? Who knows, only time will tell.

#4) The MLM Business Model

When it comes to the MLM business model it’s one of the most horrible business models anyone can follow.

Oh, it’s fantastic for the company because they’re making money hand over fist and they’re doing it on your back.

But when it comes to being an independent distributor, the odds are not stacked in your favor. I already mentioned that the 99% of people that get involved in an MLM company will lose money.

But did you also know that 50% of people that get involved with an MLM will quit within the first year? And 95% of people will quit within 10 years.

This is not a long-term (life-long) business model. And isn’t that what you’re looking for?

My Final Opinion Of Pomifera

When it comes to multi-level business opportunities whether it’s from a new company like Pomifera or even an established multi-level marketing company.

I always recommend against getting involved with any multi-level marketing company. And that’s because the odds are not stacked in your favor for you to make any money.

No matter how glamorous they make it sound or how easy they make it sound to promote their product or get people involved in their business – the opportunity really isn’t there.

And I can say that because I was involved in multi-level marketing many years ago and I found out things the hard way. I busted my ass and I made pennies.

But if you feel you’ve got what it takes and you can beat the odds and be in that 1% of people that actually make money in multi-level marketing. Then by all means jump on board with Pomifera and I wish you nothing but success.

But Before You Go Can I Make A Suggestion?

Instead of getting involved with a multi-level marketing company where you have to follow their rules and their quotas and meet their qualifications in order to have a slim shot at making any money.

Why not use a business model where you’re 100% in control and ownership of your business?

And the business model that I’m talking about is the same business model I’ve followed to make a full-time income online.

And that’s Affiliate Marketing.

And the reason why I so strongly recommend affiliate marketing over MLM is that with affiliate marketing:

  • You never have to recruit anybody to build your business
  • You don’t have to meet sales quotas or qualifications in order to earn money
  • You don’t have to become a salesperson
  • You never have to bother your friends or family to help build your business or buy the product

And the #1 reason why I recommend affiliate marketing is…


You can build your affiliate marketing business around any hobby or passion.

And it makes no difference what that hobby or passion is. You can easily turn it into a full-time online income. Just like I’ve done.

And the absolute best resource that gives you all the tools, training, resources, and personal one-on-one support to build a thriving affiliate marketing business is Wealthy Affiliate.

They’ve been helping people since 2005 create thriving online affiliate marketing businesses around a person’s hobby or passion. And they can do the same for you.

And the great thing about wealthy affiliate is that you can see everything they have to offer absolutely free.

I hope you found this review helpful and I hope I answered any questions you may have had about Pomifera and its business opportunity.

Of course, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below and I’ll get back to you right away.

And if you did find this review helpful and enjoyed it please feel free to share it with your audience. And as always anytime you need a hand don’t hesitate Emailing Me anytime.

I believe in you!!

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