What Is Nevetica? Opprotunity or Bust?


Welcome to my Nevetica review.

So, what is Nevetica? Well if you’re a pet lover this may be the homebased business opportunity for you.

And when it comes to our pets, they are definitely part of the family. I know my mini wiener dog is a very huge part of the family, and I would do anything for her.

And that certainly includes making sure she is healthy and getting the care she needs to live a long and happy life.

The pet industry (niche) is huge. In fact, in 2019, $95.7 billion was spent on our pets in the U.S.

So, there is definitely a market. Now despite these numbers the question still remains is the opportunity being offered by Nevetica right for you?

Well let’s find out, shall we.

And with that said, let me first say, good on you for taking the time to do your own research before getting involved with any business opportunity. That alone tells me your serious about finding a legitimate way to make money online.

Disclaimer: I am not a member or an affiliate of Nevetica. All the information researched for this review is available online within the public domain. This review is my personal opinion and any recommendations/conclusions are my own which you may or may not agree with. What you decide to do after reading my review is up to you. You can see the full disclaimer here for more info.

Alright, let’s see what Nevetica is all about.

So, What Is Nevetica?

Nevetica is a multi-level marketing company within the animal health and nutrition niche. The company was established in 2016 by Dr. Lance London.

The company was started because Dr. Lance London’s beloved dog Rocky suffered a life-threatening stroke at the age of 17. And naturally Dr. London was going to do everything to save Rocky’s life. And thus, began the journey to help improve Rocky’s health and quality of life.

And through his research and putting Rocky on the proper diet of having him eat raw food combined with the right supplements Rocky started to improve and he did live another 2 years after his stroke.

And from that – the goal was simple. To educate pet owners on how to best care for their pets and bring quality products to the marketplace.

Now, at the time of this writing Nevetica is not listed with the BBB (Better Business Bureau). And their application to the Direct Selling Association is pending.

Now, while this is a great story of how this company got started. Let’s not get a head of ourselves.

Yes, Nevetica has a homebased business opportunity. But is it the right business opportunity for you?

Let’s see.

Nevetica Products

the products

The products they carry are classified into the following categories. And all prices are in US funds.


Here you’ll find:

  • Skin & Coat – designed to support beautiful, healthy skin and fur. $34.99.
  • Multivitamin – to help to support the overall well-being of your pet. $34.99.
  • Hip & Joint – to promote and maintain good joint health. (available for large and small pets) $54.99  (large) and $35.99 (small).
  • Digestive Support – designed to help support your pet’s digestive system. $34.99.
  • Calming Support – to help keep your pet relaxed. $34.99.

Oral Care

  • Here you’ll find mouthwash and dental chews for both large and small pets. Prices range for $19.99 to $51.99.

Home Goods

  • Wet-A-Way – absorbs fresh liquid stains. Comes in large $29.99 and small for $24.99.


Here you’ll find:

  • Shampoo – $29.99.
  • Anti Itch Pet Spray – $24.99.
  • Paw Protector – $22.99.

You can buy all 3 as a kit for $74.99.

So, the company does not offer food for your pet. Just supplements to go along with your pets’ diet. Now you can get pet supplements from any reputable pet store. Or your veterinarian.

So it makes me wonder what makes these products better than ones you can find at your local pet store? Oh, right they have science behind their products. Well that’s what they say but there is no documentation of this science anywhere on their website that I could find.

So, at this point this really comes down to the price of the products.

So, I headed to Amazon to do some price comparing. And not surprised, you can find the same products that make the same claims Nevetica products claim they can do for your pet but for a lot less money.

Now, I understand people want quality products. But people are also price motivated. And since Nevetica’s products cost more I see your potential customers challenging you on the price.

Especially when they can simply head to Amazon like I did. Or go to their pet store and get the same products for less money.

Just something to keep in mind when making your final decision.

So, How Much Is It To Get Started With Nevetica?

Other than some hyped up promotional video talking about the opportunity. There is ZERO information on their website of how much it’s going to cost you to get involved with Nevetica.

Let me just say, why not give everyone the facts and the investment needed upfront so you can make an informed decision?

So, you won’t find any information on how much it costs to get involved with this business. So, after doing some digging, I did find information of the costs involved.

Nevetica Business Builder Kit – $199.9 (US)

  • With this kit you get a training manual, a banner, the NéVetica Magazine, and additional sales material.

Nevetica Product Pack – $475.00 (US)

  • With this kit you’ll get all the products that Nevetica has in their catalogue.

Nevetica Tech Pack – $24.99 per month

  • This is Techner and it allows you to have your replicated website and access to your business back office. It’s free for the first 30 days then you have pay for it to continue to have your site and back office access.

Now I’m not sure if there is an enrollment fee and what that may cost if there is one. But many MLM companies require you pay for one. And this is typically an annual fee to keep you in business.

And when it comes to the $199.00 kit I could not find out if you get any product samples with that kit. Regardless, you’re going to have pay at a minimum $199.00 get started with Nevetica.

How Do You Make Money With Nevetica?

You’ll find a video on their website that covers the compensation plan. But as with all MLM opportunities there are 2 ways to make money.

You can simply retail the product and earn commissions for those sales. Or you can recruit people into your business (downline).

And by recruiting people you now have the opportunity to earn bonus through their compensation plan. And of course, there are certain requirements you must meet in order to be eligible for these bonuses at each level of their compensation plan.

There are 14 different ranking levels within their compensation plan. Each offering bonuses for reaching those levels.

Such as:

  • Personal Sales Bonuses
  • First Order Bonus
  • Unilevel Bonus
  • Income Match Bonus
  • Leadership Advancement Bonus
  • A Global Pool Bonus

Plus, sponsored incentive trips and executive leadership council trips, Plus other bonuses to be introduced.

Now since there is a video explain things, I’m not going to get into the details of the plan. You can simply watch the video on YouTube.

It’s only 6 minutes long and if you’re seriously thinking about getting involved with Nevetica then you definitely need to watch the video so you know what you need to do in order to make money.

Just click the image below and you’ll be taken to YouTube where you can watch the video.

compensation plan video

So, Can You Expect To Make Money With Nevetica?

Now the all-important question.

Can you really make money with Nevetica?

No doubt the pet market is HUGE and people are willing to spend money on their pets.

In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of 2020 the pet industry will generate 99 billion in sales. Yep that’s big “B”. So, the market is there.

So, finding customers is not going to be much of a challenge. However, with that said.

The next question is. Are Nevetica products worth the price?

Some will argue they are expecially when you consider you can find these types of products on Amazon and in your pet store and for less money.

So, as I mentioned earlier I see the price being a challenge when it comes to retailing these products.

But the truth is retailing these products is not going to generate the BIG income that every MLM promises.

Recruiting is what’s going to open the door to that money. And that definitely poses a new challenge to people.

Not everyone is built to constantly be recruiting people in order to build a MLM business. And don’t be fooled, it’s not as easy as every MLM or person that’s trying to recruit makes it out to be.

In fact, most people will quit an MLM within the first year. And only 1% of people will actually see any profit. So, that means 99% of people in MLM lose money.

Consumer Awareness Institute
Consumer Awareness Institute

Considering the track record when it comes to MLM. Personally I don’t think the chances of making a decent income is in the cards for the majority of people that decide to get involved with this company.

What I Like About Nevetica

#1) Big Market

The pet market is huge and it’s growing every year. And people love their pets and they are willing to spend money on them.

#2) Opportunity

For the right person there is an opportunity to build a business.

#3) App For Customers

With the app people can order products, find information regarding veterinarians, pet groomers and such. As well as track your pets fitness, training videos and get their newsletter.

What I Didn’t Like About Nevetica

#1) Not Necessary

There is plenty of evidence that shows if your pet is eating a balanced diet they don’t need these types of products. So, you should definitely check with your vet before you decide to give your pet and type of supplement.

#2) Low Success

When it comes to the MLM business model it’s been proven that it’s one of the worst business models for distributers to get involved with. The truth being 99% of people that get involved with MLM will lose money.

#3) Overpriced Products

You can easily find products that make the same claims and offer the same results in market places such as Amazon for a lot less money.

#4) Recruitment

As with all MLM companies the path to the big money they offer is only available by recruiting people into your business (downline).

So, unless you love constantly trying to sell people on the idea of joining your business. MLM is NOT for you.

#5) High Startup Cost

To get the ball rolling with this opportunity you’re going to have spend at least $199.00. And even more if you want access to everything. This is a lot higher than most other MLM companies and is too much to risk with such a low success rate within MLM.

#6) Lack Of Transparency

Other than an overhyped video pitching the opportunity on their website. There is no information regarding the costs of getting involved with this business.

How can you make an informed decision about this opportunity when you have no idea what it’s going to cost you to get into business?

#7) No Income Disclosure Statement

Along with not providing any information regarding the cost of getting into this business.

They also don’t have an income disclosure statement regarding their distributers. Now maybe they do and they just don’t want to share it. I don’t know, but I could not find one.

But an income disclosure statement gives you an overview of the average earnings of all distributers over a 1 year period. This is valuable information to have when making the decision of joining any MLM company.

With this information you can see what the percentages are when it comes to earning money with the company.

And I have to tell you. The income disclosure statements I’ve read from other MLM companies don’t paint a very promising picture. You’ll find the majority of people are not making any real money.

My Final Opinion Of Nevetica

If I were looking for a homebased business this is not the one I would get involved with. There are so many things wrong with this opportunity.

With one of the biggest being the complete lack of transparency when it comes to the business opportunity.

And let’s not forget the absolutely horrible success rate that comes with being involved with an MLM.

And when it comes to these products, they’re not special. You can find these types of products everywhere and for a lot less money.

So no, this is nothing I would personally get involved with. But hey, that’s me.

Maybe this is the business for you. Maybe you can beat the odds and make a go of this opportunity. I don’t know. I just know that for the majority of people that get involved with MLM will fail.

Here’s what I do to make a living online.

I’m an affiliate marketer and have been making a full time living online as one since 2005.

And you know what? I’ve never sold a thing to anyone. Nor have I had to recruit anyone to build my business.

And the other great thing about affiliate marketing is that you can build your business around your hobby or passion.

So, if your passion is pets. You can build a thriving online affiliate marketing business around that. And you don’t have to join an MLM company to do it.

Now if this sounds more exciting than MLM. Then maybe you should take a few moments and find out more about affiliate marketing and exactly how you can go about building your business right from the comfort of your home.

And the best resource for learning about affiliate marketing and getting all the tools, resources, and support while building your business is Wealthy Affiliate.

And you can see everything wealthy affiliate has to offer you absolutely free.

I hope you found this review helpful and I hope I answered any questions you may have had about Nevetica and its business opportunity.

And if you did find this review helpful and enjoyed it please feel free to share it with your audience. And as always anytime you need a hand don’t hesitate Emailing Me anytime.

I believe in you!!

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