Is Epicure An MLM? It Sure Is


So, I think it’s safe to say you’re here because you’ve been approached by someone or you’ve come across the Epicure business opportunity and you have questions and need to know more before taking the plunge. Questions like: What is Epicure? Is it a real opportunity? Is Epicure an MLM?

How much does it cost to get started? What do I need to do to make things work? (make money).

All great questions, and questions I’ll be answering in this article. By the time you’re done here, you’ll be in a far better position to make an informed decision as to whether or not Epicure is the right home based business opportunity for you.

Alright, let’s see if Epicure is a great opportunity.

Disclaimer: I am not a member or an affiliate of Epicure. All the information researched for this review is available online within the public domain. This review is my personal opinion and any recommendations/conclusions are my own which you may or may not agree with. What you decide to do after reading my review is up to you. You can see the full disclaimer here for more info.

So, What Is Epicure?

The Epicure story started in 1991 when Sylvie Rochette started selling her spice blends from the back of her station wagon at trade shows. Following that success Epicure was founded in 1997 as a direct sales company (multi-level marketing) inspired by the desire to provide her family healthy clean eating solutions.

founders message

The company CEO is her daughter Amelia Warren. And Epicure currently operates in Canada and as of late summer of 2019 is now in the United States.

The Products

When it comes to their product line, they have things listed in a verity of categories.

Some of these include:

  • Broths
  • Burgers
  • Condiments
  • Desserts & Baking
  • Dips
  • Dressings & Meal Toppers
  • Grilling
  • Herbs & Spices
  • Pantry Staples
  • Popcorn
  • Pizza & Pasta
  • Rubs & Glazes
  • Sauces
  • Sweet Dips
  • Toppers

They also have cookware which includes products such as Kitchen Tools, Pots & Pans, Silicone Cookware, etc.

Well, there’s no denying they have a large line of products. But let’s take a look at how their prices compare to products you can find online and at your local grocery store.

Because if you’re going to get into business with Epicure you need to know what you’re up against.

Ok, I like to BBQ a lot. In fact, I have several different types of BBQ’s, plus, a few smokers. So, I took a look at the line of Rubs they carry. They only have 3 at the time of my review. Chicken (4.2 oz), Steak (4 oz) and Salmon (3.9 oz). And all cost $10.50.


I headed to Amazon and priced checked for Chicken Rubs and being Amazon I found a lot to choose from. Here’s a small sample of what I found. Yes, they cost a little bit more. But you’re getting 12 and 14 ounces compared to Epicure’s chicken rub where you only get 4.2 oz.

chicken rub

Let’s check out a few more products.

At the time I’m doing this review it’s August, so it’s burger season. So, I checked out their burger seasoning and it sells for $8.50 and you get 3.8 oz. So back to Amazon I went and no surprise I found a whole bunch of seasoning to choose from.

The best seller is from McCormick. And it sells for $7.62 and you get 15.5 oz.

burger seasoning

Let’s look at some cookware. I took a look at the Wok & Glass Lid they have and it sells for $139.95.


Back to Amazon and I found all kinds of stainless steel woks with and without glass lids. All under $100.00. And free shipping if you’re a Prime member.

amazon wok

Here are the fees for shipping with Epicure.

US Shipping Charges

  • $7.50 for orders under $39.99
  • $9.00 for orders from $40–$79.99
  • 11% of total for orders over $80

Business Kit Shipping—$9.95 + applicable state tax

*Epicure ships via USPS, UPS, and FedEx

Canadian Shipping Charges

  • Under $49.99 $8.95
  • $50.00 – $99.99 $11.25
  • Over $100.00 11% of total order

*Epicure ships via FedEx for all orders. And US products are sent from Utah and Canadian products are sent from British Columbia

As you can see with Epicure that $8.00 burger sauce mix if bought in the United States with the shipping charge is now going to cost your customers $15.50.

And that $8.50 burger seasoning if bought in Canada with the shipping charge is now going to cost your customers $17.45.

Personally, I see this as a huge challenge to your business especially when people can head down to the local grocery store and buy similar products for less. Or in some cases a little bit more but get 2 or 3 times more product.

Why Do This Comparison?

Well the reason is you’re going to have to convince people that spending more money with you is better than simply going to Amazon or even heading to their local Walmart and picking things up right away.

And in most cases for less money. Or spend a little more money but get a LOT more product.

People are going to challenge you by asking you why should I spend more with you and pay for shipping, wait maybe weeks for things to arrive when I can go to Amazon or Walmart and get what I want quickly and easily?

This is one of the biggest challenges I feel you’ll be facing when trying to sell your product.

You’ll be competing on price and convenience.

What’s The Cost To Start With Epicure?

To get going with Epicure you need to purchase a starter kit. In Canada, this kit will cost you $175.00 + tax + shipping. And in the United States the cost to you would be $150.00 + tax + shipping.

They say the value for the Canadian kit is $500.00. And the value of US kit is $450.00

So, what do you get?

Well, you won’t find any information on their website in regards to what’s included in your starter kit. So, I did some hunting around and I did find this video from an independent consultant who covers what’s in the kit.

It includes things like all your business forms, catalogues, compensation plan, a discount from Vistaprint for business cards, etc. As well as a verity of products including things like seasoning, mixes, etc.

Just click the image below to watch the video to see the complete list of things you get in your starter kit.


How Do You Make Money With Epicure?

Unfortunately, you cannot see their compensation plan through their website unless you have joined. Which I find to be a real pain, especially when you’re considering joining a company. You want the details of what you have to do in order to make money, right?

But with a little effort you can find this information searching online. Now I did find their compensation booklet. It’s 20 pages long, which is not bad. I’ve read compensation plans in excess of 50 pages.

Anyway, like most MLM compensation plans they can be a bit confusing to understand. Especially with all the MLM jargon they use. Plus, it’s not what you call a page turner.

Now I did find a video where this YouTuber explains the Epicure compensation plan. Click the image and you’ll be taken to YouTube where you can watch it.

compensation plan

Regardless of the compensation plan, there are 2 way to earn money.

  1. Retail The Product
  2. Recruit People Into Your Business (downline)

Now retailing is very straight forward. With Epicure you get 25% compensation on all personal sales.

And a 3% bonus compensation on total personal sales when you submit 2,000+ QV (qualified volume) within a calendar month.

Now as for building your business this is where things get goofy. Simply because you have reach certain qualifications to have the opportunity to earn the bonuses and additional commission within the compensation plan for each rank (level).

In the case of Epicure to be considered a qualified consultant you must have a minimum of 250 QV (qualified volume) of personal sales in a calendar month.

And You must qualify 1 month out of every 3 calendar months to remain active as an Epicure consultant. Just a note Active is not the same as qualified.

So, you will need to sell or buy at a minimum $250.00 worth of product each month to be qualified.

Unfortunately, most people involved with MLM end up buying the majority of the products they need in order to stay qualified.

And I’m not just saying that as a discouragement to you. It’s a reality. 99% of people that get involved with MLM lose money. You can read an eye opening study found on the FTC website outlining the scary statistics of the MLM business model. I highly recommend you read this report.

Now if you stay qualified you have the opportunity to climb the ranks within the Epicure compensation plan.

And those ranks and the qualifications for each rank are:


  • A minimum of 250 QV in personal sales within a calendar month.

Senior Consultant

  • A minimum of 250 QV in personal sales within a calendar month. Have one qualified personally sponsored

VIP Consultant

  • Submit a minimum of 500 QV in personal sales within a calendar month. Have 2 qualified personally sponsored consultants.

Executive Consultant

  • Submit a minimum of 750 QV in personal sales within a calendar month. Have 3 qualified personally sponsored Consultants. Have total team sales of at least 3,000 QV within a calendar month (includes your personal sales).


  • Submit a minimum of 1,000 QV in personal sales within a calendar month. Have a team with a minimum of 6 qualified Consultants, 4 of whom must be personally sponsored.
    Have total team sales of at least 6,000 QV within a calendar month (includes your personal sales). Accept the Leaders’ Agreement.

Senior Leader

  • Have at least one qualified 1st Generation Leader. Maintain a personal team per the Leader qualifications.


  • Have at least 2 qualified 1st Generation Leaders. Maintain a personal team per the Leader qualifications.

Senior Director

  • Have at least 3 qualified 1st Generation Leaders. Have at least 1 qualified 2nd Generation Leader. Maintain a personal team per the Leader qualifications. Sign the Senior Directors’ Agreement.

Executive Director

  • Have at least 6 qualified 1st Generation Leaders. Have at least 2 qualified 2nd Generation Leaders. Have at least 1 qualified 3rd Generation Leader. Maintain a personal team per the Leader qualifications.

Global Director

  • Have at least 12 qualified 1st Generation Leaders. Have at least 4 qualified 2nd Generation Leaders. Have at least 2 qualified 3rd Generation Leaders. Maintain a personal team per the Leader qualifications.

So that’s pretty straight forward and easy to understand right? Yeah, that was sarcasm. I got a headache reading this compensation plan.

Regardless if you read or watch the video. If you’re going to involved with this company you need to understand this compensation plan so you can maximize your earning potential.

Either way the BIG question is….

Can You Make Money With Epicure?

Well, this is the million dollar question isn’t it? Of course, you can make money. But again, will you?

Well they have no income disclosure statement that I could find so you can look at the income numbers from consultants.

And of course, every consultant is going to tell you this is the best opportunity for you and you can make as much as you want.

But you’ll hear that story come out of every consultant’s mouth. The real truth is in the historical data that an income disclosure statement provides.

MLM income
Excerpt From FTC Report Regarding Multi-level Marketing

But the MLM companies really don’t want you to know the real numbers and the true success ratios of the people in their organization. So, without one you have to rely on what you’re told. Not the best way to make an informed decision.

But from all the other MLM companies I’ve taken a look at that do provide an income disclosure statement the majority of people don’t make any money.

Remember that FTC report I told you to read. Go read it. And here’s more information from Jobs In Marketing you need to see before jumping into any MLM business opportunity.

Look, I said it before I’m not here to burst your bubble on this opportunity. I just want you to have all the information can have so you can make a decision with your eyes wide open about this MLM opportunity.

Here’s The Best Way To Create A Passive Online Income Without Constantly Recruiting People Or Becoming A Salesperson

Is There Training?

Not only will (should) you get trained by the person that sponsored you into the business.

You’ll also have access to Epicure University. Here you’ll find information regarding prospecting, and cooking classes (both online and in-person cooking classes). You have information on sponsoring, booking, host coaching, and more.

How Do You Market The Product?

To market the Epicure products you need to do it through home parties. But they really don’t like them being called Home Parties they prefer to call them “Cooking Classes”.

And with these cooking classes, which takes around 2 hours you’ll share clean eating solutions and kitchen tools while preparing a meal, which takes about 20 minutes to prepare within that 2 hours.

This is also the best time to introduce people to the business opportunity with Epicure.

What I Like About Epicure

#1) Reasonable Startup Cost

Compared to many MLM business opportunities where you’re asked to invest several hundreds of dollars to get going. Epicure’s startup cost is pretty reasonable.

#2) Repeat Customers

Because you’re dealing with a consumable product you do have the opportunity to build a repeat customer client base.

#3) Refund Policy

If for any reason you’re not completely satisfied with your products. They will exchange or fully refund your purchase within 90 days of your purchase.

#4) Extended Guarantees

They have extended guarantees for the following products:

  • Cookware products – they have a minimum one-year guarantee against manufacturer’s defects
  • Silicone products and non-stick coating cookware are guaranteed against manufacturer’s defects for three years from date of purchase
  • Stainless steel products have a lifetime guarantee against manufacturer’s defects

#5) There Is An Opportunity

For the right person that enjoys network marketing, prospecting, recruiting and having in-house home parties there is the opportunity to earn money.

What I Didn’t Like About Epicure

#1) Home Parties

I can see how a home party “cooking class” can be an effective marketing strategy. Just like another MLM company called Pampered Chef where they do in-home demonstrations.

But here’s the problem. Not everybody is cut out to do home parties. Not everybody is cut out to prospect and book home parties.

Sure, it’s easy to create a home party for your friends and your family and your social circle. But after you’ve gone through your friend’s family and social circle you’re now going to have to go into the cold market and this is the market where nobody knows you. And try and book and prospect for these home parties.

Also doing home parties is also logistical thing too. The further out you get from your marketing area (home base) the more expensive it’s going to be to hold these home parties.

So, you have to factor in things like the cost of gas and your travel time which will be more. Plus, other incidentals that are going to eat into your profits.

And remember, you’re not selling big ticket items here. So you’re going to have to sell a lot of spices and mixes to make a reasonable amount of money.

#2) No Income Disclosure Statement

With no income disclosure statement provided by Epicure you really can’t make a fully informed decision as to whether or not to get involved with them.

And talking to a consultant is not going to give you an unbiased opinion in regards to the potential income you can earn. Most are going to tell you what you want to hear,

However, an income disclosure statement is that historical data gathered by the company that gives you the average earnings both high and low for all the active consultants within their business.

And for a company that’s been in business for decades you would think they would provide you this type of crucial information?

But I looked and I couldn’t find it anywhere. And personally, for me that’s a huge red flag. Because to me and says – what are they hiding? If consultants had a real shot at making a decent income, I would think they would be more than willing to share that information.

Now of course as a private company they do not have to give you this information.

But I would have a lot more confidence in the company if they were willing to give that information to anybody and everybody that’s considering getting involved with this company.

And even though they’re not sharing an income disclosure statement history shows from the MLM companies that do share income disclosure statements people to get involved with MLM compensation plans have a slim to no chance of actually making any money.

#3) MLM Business Model

Despite the sales pitch you’re going to hear from every consultant in regards to what you can do with all the money you’re going to make through Epicure.

The reality is the MLM business model is an absolutely horrible business model to follow. Study after study has proven that the majority of people that get involved with MLM will lose money.

And most if not all of the same people usually end up in more debt after leaving the MLM than they were before they started with an MLM.

#4) Recruiting

Personally, I can’t see you making any decent amount of money selling a $10.00 bottle of spice or a $13.00 bottle of pepper.

So that means if you want the opportunity to make the big money that Epicure claims you can make. This is going to require you to recruit people into your business.

And that’s a hell of a lot easier said than done. There’s a big difference between selling somebody a spice rub then it is to try and convince someone to start a business.

Especially an MLM business. When you start talking about an MLM business many people think scam or pyramid scheme. And that’s a really big hump to get over.

So, know this. Not only are you going to have to be prospecting to try to set up home parties.

You’re also going to have to try to find people to get involved with this business. And logically the best time to hit somebody up to get involved with your business would be at the home party.

And I can tell you from experience a lot of people aren’t going to be very thrilled that after you allow them to try your product and you’re now hitting them up to join an MLM.

#5) The Product Cost

Considering the size of the product portions that you’re getting for what they’re charging these products. There are overpriced.

And then now on top of that you add the shipping charge it puts the price in the stratosphere.

And as I mention earlier I see this is a huge challenge especially when people can head down to their local grocery store and buy similar products for less money.

Or in some cases may be a little bit more but end up getting a lot more product. All the while doing it quickly and easily, plus not having to wait for that product to shipped to them.

My Final Opinion Of Epicure

There is definitely a segment of people that would thrive with this type of business opportunity.

Some people are just built for sales. And this is exactly what this business opportunity is. It’s a sales job. And every successful salesperson will tell you that it takes a lot of hard work to make money as a salesperson.

However, if being a salesperson is in your wheelhouse and it’s something you really enjoy doing. And you’re ok with having to recruit people to help build your business so you can reach those different income levels within their compensation plan.

Then this may be the perfect opportunity for you. And if you think so, then go for it. But as it is with any homebased business, before you jump in be sure you know what you’re monthly expenses are going to be to run your business.

On The Flip Side

However, if doing sales, putting on home parties, constantly having to prospect, and constantly having to recruit people doesn’t sound like something you want to do.

There are other ways to make money online from home.

For example – Affiliate Marketing

Now when it comes to affiliate marketing there are many reasons why affiliate marketing has an advantage over MLM.

With affiliate marketing….

  • You never have to recruit anybody to build your business
  • You don’t have to become a salesperson
  • You don’t have to train people
  • You don’t have to do any prospecting
  • You don’t have to constantly be a cheerleader and keep your downline motivated
  • You don’t have to meet any ridiculous sales quotas or qualifications in order to earn money
  • You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars to start your business

And here’s what I feel is the biggest advantage of affiliate marketing.

You can build a thriving affiliate marketing business that can satisfy all your financial needs around any interest, hobby or your passion. And it makes no difference what your interst, hobby or passion is you can turn that into a full-time online income.

Now, if this sounds a lot more exciting than being under the thumb of some MLM. Then I think you owe it to yourself to take the time to check out one of the absolute best resources to learn how to build a thriving affiliate marketing business.

And that resource is Wealthy Affiliate.

Since 2005 they have been providing people with all the tools, resources, training, and personal one-on-one support to anybody that wants to build a thriving online affiliate marketing business.

And one of the great things about wealthy affiliate is you can check out everything they have to offer you absolutely free.

Now will affiliate marketing be your path to making money online? I have no idea. But by comparing the two business models you’ll know for sure which one is going to be the one that best works for you.

I hope you found this review helpful and I hope I answered any questions you may have had about Epicure and its business opportunity.

Of course, if I missed something. Please leave any questions or comments below and I’ll get back to you right away.

And if you did find this review helpful and enjoyed it please feel free to share it with your audience. And as always anytime you need a hand don’t hesitate Emailing Me anytime.

I believe in you!!

6 thoughts on “Is Epicure An MLM? It Sure Is”

  1. Another comment regarding the McCormick seasoning. This a list of the ingredients: Salt, Demerara Sugar, Brown Sugar, Molasses (Refinery Syrup, Cane Molasses, Caramel Color), Garlic, Onion, Spices (Including Paprika and Chili Pepper), Orange Peel, Red Bell Pepper, Maple Syrup, Silicon Dioxide (to Make Free Flowing) and Natural Flavor (Including Smoke).

    This is list of the Epicure ingredients: Burger Seasoning
    Black pepper, coriander, dill weed, garlic, onion, paprika, red bell pepper, sea salt.

    The Silicone Dioxide in the McCormick seasoning is a red flag to me. According to Dr. Axe “One potential concern with nanoparticles found in foods (which includes silicon dioxide in addition to compounds like silver, titanium dioxide, iron oxide and zinc oxide) is that some research suggests they may trigger GI problems, such as leaky gut syndrome, as well as DNA and cell damage when ingested long term.”

    • Hi Claudia, thank you for your comment.

      When it comes to this review, I’m only reviewing the business opportunity and comparing the prices of the products not the ingredients of each product.

      Anyone who wants to get involved with this company can compare product ingredients as part of their decision if they like.


    • Hi Claudia, As I mentioned in my last reply when it comes to this review, I’m only reviewing the business opportunity and comparing the prices of the products not the ingredients of each product.


      • Hi Leo
        I am not an Epicure consultant or affiliate of any kind, nor want to become an MLM consultant ever; I just stumbled upon this page when googling epicure as my friend shared some free pouches with me without any pressure.

        I do believe, however, that if you are just comparing prices without regard for the ingredients and quality, you are missing a part of the all-rounded product review – as you know the current trend is to eat healthy and there is a huge segment that will pay a hefty premium for healthier alternatives – and those will likely be the epicure customers, and this is the only way to see these spices to ppl but making an accent of them being healthier.

        Having said that, about 80% of your review otherwise still stands, it will be very hard to make money off this MLM.

        • Hi Jenny,

          You do make a fair point.

          But when doing the price comparison, I was looking at things from the customers point of view. And I believe that there are more people that will not be swayed by the ingredients of the products and be more swayed by the price of the products compared to what can be found in their local grocery store.

          However, with that said, there is definitely a segment of people that will pay the premium price for products like these.

          Thank you for your comment.



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